Running out of time? Read the summary.
Index 1. People, processes and culture 2. Data and technology 3. Investment and measurement 4. Journey and experience with the brand
The term digital transformation is constantly present in our daily life, but you don't know where to start or how to apply it to your company, right? Digital transformation is a very broad and poorly disseminated topic in most large corporations.
Therefore, we will bring in a series of 5 articles the 9 necessary levers that will help your company to start or advance on the path towards digital leadership.
We based on the DMR study - Digital Marketing Readiness - published by McKinsey in partnership with ABA (Brazilian Association of Advertisers), in 2019, which had as main objective to outline the maturity panorama of digital marketing in Brazil and that brought the best practices adopted by leading companies in the market with the intention of defining a roadmap for the evolution in this field so critical to the success of companies.
In despite of the focus of the study being digital marketing, we were able to extract several lessons from it and replicate the roadmap exclusively for the digital transformation of large market-leading corporations - whatever their market.
In this first article we will introduce the 4 dimensions on which the study is based, the classifications for maturity (Beginner, Emergent, Ascendant and Digital Leader) and show how a DAM (Digital Asset Management) as Yapoli is guided by these premises, supporting its customers.
Governance and management of your digital assets are essential for your company to navigate smoothly through the oceans of digital maturity.
Let's go to them:
1) People, processes and culture
Main dimension of this journey, reminds us that empowered and autonomous people, committed to effective process changes, transform the culture of a large corporation.
The difficulty usually lies in having multidisciplinary teams, capable of handling increasingly measurable processes so that they become more agile and assertive. Encourage teams in practice and not just in "disruptive" speech. Transposing bureaucratic barriers is painful, but it is the only way forward for digital transformation.
In this article you will find more details on how to evolve in the first dimension using a DAM.
2) Data and technology
Large corporations find it difficult to manage their information and digital assets, which in turn are overlooked. Generating data, information and insights about them, using them for actions and positivities in third-party channels in real time, seems very distant.
In this second dimension towards digital maturity, it is necessary to take the first steps towards the adoption of tools and processes that guarantee autonomy for teams in performing simple tasks. Through Yapoli and the use of AI, it is possible to better understand the assets, accelerate automation processes by aggregating in the integration of other tools of the company and third parties.
Here you will find more information about how Yapoli works generating insights about its digital assets.
3) Investment and measurement
Third dimension in this journey, investments and measurement within the McKinsey study scenario, would be how much the company invests in campaigns for how much these campaigns would bring in return, but bringing to our reality, we can talk about investing in a DAM platform and how much positive return this investment brings.
Large corporations are still far from this point of the journey, the difficulty of seeing the benefits of a platform like Yapoli directly impacts the race for digital transformation.
If you ask the following questions: Does your company still have decentralized digital assets? At the risk of fines and lawsuits for misuse of some out-of-date asset that your outside agency has published? Can't find out how that image performed on your e-commerce? Or how much your employees are sharing certain files that should be restricted and confidential?
No repository brings you that information, right? Google Drive, DropBox, your Intranet? Well, we will show the difference that having a DAM brings to your company.
4) Journey and experience with the brand
The ability to centralize and store all your company's digital assets in one place, distribute them in an organized, agile way, integrated with several tools, your social networks and your e-commerce, with audit trail, without risk of use of an outdated version and with real-time KPI reports.
With Yapoli this is possible.
Learn more about the last dimension of this journey here.
No matter if your company is still crawling on the road to digital transformation, Yapoli aggregates at all stages of the process, from customers classified as Beginners, who do not even know how to organize their hierarchy on the platform, to those who seek to understand through AI which materials perform best in their e-commerce and social networks.
In the next article (second in this series of 5) we will delve deeper into the People, processes and culture dimension and show how Yapoli aggregates, as a DAM, to achieve the greatest possible efficiency.
See you 😉
Yapoli is a means for your tools to communicate in an automated way, boosting your company so that it becomes a Digital Leader. An intelligent DAM (Digital Asset Management) platform that optimizes the management and distribution of digital assets for the industry in a simple, secure, practical, fast and measurable manner.